6 Sales Tactics You’ve Never Thought About

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No matter how much you are selling now, it’s always good to sell more. Right?
That is especially true if you’re selling products and have a good supply on hand when sales double or triple.

Normally increasing sales 10% would be fantastic. But by using a few proven sales methods you may be able to boost sales an additional 25% to 50%.
It’s really that easy!

During our work talking with retail managers and owners about Point of Sale services and equipment, we took the opportunity to ask them about their best sales tactics.

Here are the top 6 including some we didn’t know about before.

1. Learn something new every day.
When talking with customers, you meet all kinds of people from every kind of background. The more you know about the world in general, the better you will be able to relate to their world and their concerns.

Ever talk with a sales person who just seemed to understand you? That’s probably because they were a daily learner. The sales person listened to you, then started a conversation based on her understanding of your point of view. It’s hard to say NO when a sales person does that.

2. Overcome your fear of rejection.
If you hesitate before approaching a customer or prospect, fear of rejection is playing a role in your selling process. For experienced sales people, that can often take the form of rejecting the customer based on passed experience.
It could be because the customer is too old, too young, probably wouldn’t like the product, not the right lifestyle, or doesn’t look like they have enough money.

That is why inexperienced sales people often outsell everyone on the team in the beginning. They haven’t yet learned which customers to avoid. Instead,
they sell to EVERYONE without letting fear of rejection get in the way.

3. Let your enthusiasm show.
The ancient Greeks considered enthusiasm to be a gift from the gods. It allowed a person to accomplish just about anything, to influence others, and to live a more satisfying and successful life.

There is no question we like to follow the lead of a person who possesses lots of enthusiasm. When you are truly enthusiastic about your product, customers catch that enthusiasm. Your attitude make them want to buy so they too can have your enthusiasm.

4. Start every conversation with a positive comment.
This has been proven by researchers to increase sales substantially.
Simply say “Is it still beautiful outside? It was so nice and sunny when I
came in this morning.”

Starting your interaction with something pleasant and positive puts customers in an equally positive mood. From that point forward the sales process is usually much easier.

Try the positive comment open on a consistent basis and watch your sales improve.

5. Use superlatives.
Say the product is “the best we’ve found,” “incredibly well made,” “super durable,” “the cutest of what’s new,” and “by far the biggest in its class.”

Everybody likes to buy and own the very best. Point out why the product’s advantages are tops. Even though it may not be the very best, it’s probably the best in that price range, in that color, or with that style.

6. Don’t sit down.
For most industries, you will sell more if you stand up. This gives your conversation more energy and immediacy.

Try these 6 sales tactics and watch your sales improve.
Even using one favorite can make a substantial difference in your team’s numbers.

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“To Whom It May Concern,

Let me take a moment,out of my very busy day to review my experience of Sebastian Chaviano.
Sebastian is a dream customer service/technical support person. He’s extremely professional and nano-second responsive in every interaction. We’ve even worked on a chronic issue where I learned that his perseverance and patience are also outstanding. Over my 33 years of working in Silicon Valley, I’ve rarely met someone as easy with which to work as Sebastian.

That said, over the past 3 months of getting to know Nova POS, for the first time, I’ve also worked with Frank, Jeffrey, Jose, & Tomer – all provide the immediate service and answers I’ve required. You have a great team at Nova POS. Keep up the good work.”


My name is Mert Firat, and I am the proud owner of multiple flourishing retail chains in a rapidly expanding big city. Since 2008, Nova has been a cornerstone of our ability to operate in a such a fast-paced urban environment. The top-notch customer support team at Nova has consistently exceeded my expectations, ensuring any and all concerns are promptly addressed. The live-support feature has been a lifesaver on several occasions, with expert assistance just a click away. The user-interface of the software is incredibly easy to learn, operate, and teach new employees. This hassle-free experience is imperative for the entire company,  from the CEO to every newly hired employee. What has truly set our experience apart are our account manager and technical support manager, who have been a game-changer in streamlining the process and finding creative solutions. We could not be happier with Nova, and would not be here today without the outstanding experience we’ve continuously been having for the past 16 years.

Kind Regards,