5 Tips That Helped Me Improve My Sales Performance

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I used to think that a sleepless night, or the amount of traffic on the way to work had a direct affect on my sales performance during the workday.
There were days when I felt I could sell hair products to a bald man, and days when I felt like I could not make a sale to save my life. I used to think that those outside influences would dictate the type of day I would have – but now I can certainly say that they’re not.

A good sales day is simply a function of taking advantage of situations.

Instead of just trying to sell my products, I started to really listen to my customers. I stopped treating their stories as disruptions to my ‘perfect’ sales speech, and began to engage my customers in an actual conversation.

I’d ask them leading questions and find real interest in what they’re saying,
so when the moment arrived – and it always arrived – I’d offer them the right product at the right time. Only then would the product really suit their needs and make them not only buy, but truly being happy with their purchase (and with me).

5 Tips that helped me maintain this state of mind around the workday:

1. Notice Your Body Language.
I always focus on restraining my exaggerated hand movements,
and not feeling embarrassed when keeping eye contact.

2. Understand Your Buyer.
I focus on the inner reasons that make customers choose one product over another. I’m sure that psychologists would be proud of some of the behavior analysis I’ve done at work.

3. Chill & Relax.
When i get to work, I take 10 minutes to myself before my day begins. I drink my regular cup(s) of coffee and embrace encouraging quotes from one of my favorite retail sites (www.retailtouchpoints.com | https://www.retaildive.com | https://www.retailadventuresblog.com).

4. Fake It Till You Make It.
It was a real struggle for me to transform into the ‘salesman’ character. As time progressed, I didn’t even have to remind myself to do it; it became natural and I was no longer acting.

5. Never Stop Learning.
Every day I pick up more and more professional knowledge. I’ve learned so much that many of my best sales techniques have become second nature – it’s just a matter of hard work.

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POS System Integration With E-commerce Platforms

As we approach 2025, when e-commerce sales could reach the $7 trillion mark, and 21% of all retail sales will be digital, businesses should adapt. To remain competitive, seamless integration between your physical and online stores is a must. The Point of Sale (POS) systems have been helping retailers with critical functionalities like inventory management, sales tracking, and customer relationship


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“To Whom It May Concern,

Let me take a moment,out of my very busy day to review my experience of Sebastian Chaviano.
Sebastian is a dream customer service/technical support person. He’s extremely professional and nano-second responsive in every interaction. We’ve even worked on a chronic issue where I learned that his perseverance and patience are also outstanding. Over my 33 years of working in Silicon Valley, I’ve rarely met someone as easy with which to work as Sebastian.

That said, over the past 3 months of getting to know Nova POS, for the first time, I’ve also worked with Frank, Jeffrey, Jose, & Tomer – all provide the immediate service and answers I’ve required. You have a great team at Nova POS. Keep up the good work.”


My name is Mert Firat, and I am the proud owner of multiple flourishing retail chains in a rapidly expanding big city. Since 2008, Nova has been a cornerstone of our ability to operate in a such a fast-paced urban environment. The top-notch customer support team at Nova has consistently exceeded my expectations, ensuring any and all concerns are promptly addressed. The live-support feature has been a lifesaver on several occasions, with expert assistance just a click away. The user-interface of the software is incredibly easy to learn, operate, and teach new employees. This hassle-free experience is imperative for the entire company,  from the CEO to every newly hired employee. What has truly set our experience apart are our account manager and technical support manager, who have been a game-changer in streamlining the process and finding creative solutions. We could not be happier with Nova, and would not be here today without the outstanding experience we’ve continuously been having for the past 16 years.

Kind Regards,