Closing the Impulisve Shopper: Specialty Retail Sales Secrets

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When it comes to specialty cart and kiosk sales, it can be challenging to be catch a customer’s attention and close a deal without coming off as too aggressive. Training sales employees the delicate art of sales is also one of the most difficult and challenging aspect of specailty retail. To help make training easier, we’ve compiled a quick guide to use alongside the right retail POS solution that you can use or share with your employees.

Understanding the Impulsive Shopper

Specialty Retail SalesRetail is detail! Especially in specialty retail sales, one main key to success is understanding that a large part of the clientele are impulsive shoppers. Unlike your average shopper that is usually looking for something in particular or already has something in mind, impulsive shoppers are always in a rush, may not be planning on actually buying anything, are easily distracted, and may be hesitant to communicate right off the bat. With mall cart or kiosk sales, this could be someone passing by that shows interest in your display or stops to look at merchandise. By understanding these characteristics, you can start to open a comfortable dialogue about your product.

Step 1: Inviting the Client

Your first goal is to make potential customers stop at your retail location for the right reasons, not to aggressively sale immediately. A key competent of this step is a friendly employee that is presentable. But what does friendly really mean? Ultimately this person is personable and can relate to the shopper and that can communicate the features and benefits in a way that grabs their attention. Focus on stopping them rather than selling them right away by using body language tactics that attract the client to you.

Step 2: Demo/Evaluating and Testing of the Product

Now the goal is to make the customer actually want the product. Control the conversation by asking questions to eliminate common rejections, feel as if they are making the decision to buy rather than being sold, and collect information. Through this process, you move the customer’s state of mind from unfamiliar to sold. Try painting a picture for the shopper that lets them envision themselves enjoying the product.

Step 3: Closure & Upsell

This may be the most important step – to maximize the full potential of the shopper and collect their contact information before they leave. When you sense that the customer wants the product, it’s time to close. Where is the ideal place to close a sale? In front of the retail point of sale system with the product in hand to catch the momentum and talk shop.

By tactfully introducing them to another product and waiting for them to actively end the sales process, you set yourself up for a successful upsell. Offer a related product that can be coupled with their purchase or potential gifts for loved ones. This is also an opportunity to build customer loyalty and encourage them to visit your kiosk again.

Want the full guide, including tips for preventing refunds? Download the full impulsive shopper’s guide below! 


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“To Whom It May Concern,

Let me take a moment,out of my very busy day to review my experience of Sebastian Chaviano.
Sebastian is a dream customer service/technical support person. He’s extremely professional and nano-second responsive in every interaction. We’ve even worked on a chronic issue where I learned that his perseverance and patience are also outstanding. Over my 33 years of working in Silicon Valley, I’ve rarely met someone as easy with which to work as Sebastian.

That said, over the past 3 months of getting to know Nova POS, for the first time, I’ve also worked with Frank, Jeffrey, Jose, & Tomer – all provide the immediate service and answers I’ve required. You have a great team at Nova POS. Keep up the good work.”


My name is Mert Firat, and I am the proud owner of multiple flourishing retail chains in a rapidly expanding big city. Since 2008, Nova has been a cornerstone of our ability to operate in a such a fast-paced urban environment. The top-notch customer support team at Nova has consistently exceeded my expectations, ensuring any and all concerns are promptly addressed. The live-support feature has been a lifesaver on several occasions, with expert assistance just a click away. The user-interface of the software is incredibly easy to learn, operate, and teach new employees. This hassle-free experience is imperative for the entire company,  from the CEO to every newly hired employee. What has truly set our experience apart are our account manager and technical support manager, who have been a game-changer in streamlining the process and finding creative solutions. We could not be happier with Nova, and would not be here today without the outstanding experience we’ve continuously been having for the past 16 years.

Kind Regards,