Mobile POS Solutions for Small Businesses 

Mobile POS Solutions for Small Businesses | NOVA Point Of Sale

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As a small business owner, you continually explore new ways to grow your business, withstand competition, and enhance operational efficiency. Thanks to technological advancements, business owners now have technology working in their favor. One area that’s rapidly evolving and gaining traction among small businesses is mobile POS systems. 

This article will explore how your small business can leverage mobile POS and understand its widespread adoption in recent years. Without delay, let’s delve into the topic.

What are Mobile POS

Mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) systems utilize both hardware and software to process payments on the go. In recent years, there has also been a surge in popularity of using phone or tablet applications to convert your device into a fully functional payment system. 

However, processing payments is just one facet of mPOS systems. Let’s delve into the list of other benefits they can offer to small businesses.

Flexibility and Scalability  

As businesses evolve, POS systems must remain flexible to accommodate new needs. This flexibility is one of the significant benefits of mobile POS systems. With portable hardware, you can easily add more terminals, broaden your client base, or incorporate additional features as your business grows.

Mobile POS also enables you to extend your client reach by setting up pop-up stores or participating in festivals and similar events where accepting payments anywhere and anytime is essential. Mobile POS is practically indispensable if your business operates on the go. MPOS terminals typically boast long-lasting battery life, ensuring they can serve the needs of the business throughout the entire shift. This prevents you from losing potential customers in the event of power outages.

Ease of Use  

Many mobile POS system providers have customized their systems to offer seamless setup, easy learning for employees, and intuitive interfaces. This approach is a game-changer for quickly training new staff and minimizing the hours spent on learning during the workday.

Moreover, some mobile POS systems can be utilized directly from a smartphone app with minimal hardware required. With this setup, employees can effortlessly process transactions using a device they are already familiar with.

Enhanced Customer Interaction 

Customers are increasingly raising their expectations regarding service standards in retail stores.  Studies also indicate that customers are more likely to make purchases if they receive personalized treatment from a sales assistant. These trends underscore the importance of empowering employees to be flexible and available where customers need them rather than tied to a single spot at the register. 

Mobile POS systems offer more than just fast and easy transaction processing; they represent a comprehensive business tool right in the hands of your employees. In addition to processing payments, they enable employees to check inventory and provide clients with the most up-to-date information on products they are interested in.


The initial costs of installing mobile POS system hardware are notably more affordable compared to traditional POS terminals. Traditional POS setups typically entail various hardware components such as a POS station with a laptop or iPad, a dedicated POS terminal, a printer, a barcode scanner, a card reader, and a cash drawer. While these setups may be essential for larger businesses, small businesses might feel burdened by upfront payments ranging from $1000 to $5000.

For small businesses, especially those requiring multiple cashier stations, opting for mobile POS can be a more economical choice. Mobile terminals, or even smartphones equipped with card reader attachments, come at significantly lower costs (ranging from $20 – $300 depending on the features included) and entail smaller upfront expenses. They offer the flexibility to expand payment stations as your business grows without imposing heavy financial strain.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity 

With mobile POS systems, you’re departing from the traditional POS setups that required you to be physically present in the office to make changes or access analytical data. Modern mobile POS solutions allow you to access the cloud-stored database from any device. This means that you have real-time insights into how your business is performing at your fingertips. Some mobile POS software even offers the functionality of sending up-to-date notifications, enabling you to stay informed about employee schedules, low inventory levels, and more.

This accessibility grants you and your employees quick access to vital information, facilitating prompt resolution of any issues before they escalate and impact your business on a larger scale.

Integration and Compatibility 

Mobile POS systems have come a long way in providing comprehensive services to help businesses manage all aspects of their operations. One of the greatest benefits of integrations is saving time, gaining better insights into the business, and ultimately fostering growth. Some of the most common integrations provided by mobile POS systems include, but are not limited to:

  • Managing contactless payments
  • Inventory overview
  • Employee statistics and scheduling
  • Customer data management
  • Email campaigns
  • Loyalty programs
  • Webcam monitoring
  • Salary information for employees

In terms of compatibility, mobile POS systems are leading the retail race. Modern mPOS services accept all types of payments, from traditional card payments to contactless phone payments, and some even include QR code payments. This versatility ensures businesses can cater to diverse customer preferences and payment methods, enhancing overall convenience and efficiency.

Security Features 

Ensuring the security of payments and transactions is a big concern for every business, and with mobile POS systems, there’s no compromise in this regard. Most mPOS providers prioritize meeting security requirements and adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). These security measures typically include:

  • Encryption
  • Tokenization
  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Secure data storage
  • Fraud detection algorithms

By implementing these security measures, mobile POS systems allow you to safeguard sensitive payment information, protect against unauthorized access, and detect and prevent fraudulent activities, thus providing businesses and their customers with peace of mind during every transaction.

Choosing the Right Mobile POS Solution    

The mobile POS software market offers a variety of options for businesses to choose from. However, the abundance of choices also means that each software solution comes with its own set of features, often leading to confusion for businesses trying to make the right selection. Let’s explore several key criteria to consider when evaluating Mobile POS software:

  • Industry Focus: See which industries the POS software targets. Some mobile POS solutions may better suit your business needs than others. Given the diversity of industries and varying business operations, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, it’s essential to inquire about how the POS software can be tailored to your specific business requirements.
  • Cost: Prices for Mobile POS systems vary significantly. Some software providers charge a one-time payment fee, while others offer monthly subscription plans. Even free options are available, although typically limited to basic features with paid add-ons. Additionally, consider whether you’ll need new or additional hardware based on your current POS system setup and future objectives.
  • Transaction Fees: Card processing fees are a crucial factor to consider. Different POS software systems may have varying processing rates, impacting overall expenses.
  • Features: Ensure that the POS software you choose aligns with your business needs, offering essential features such as inventory management, reporting, analytics tools, and seamless integration with your existing POS systems.
  • Support: As you start transitioning to a new POS software, you will need a good support service provided by the company. A responsive support team can address inquiries and resolve any issues that may arise, ensuring smooth transactions without interruptions.

Why choose Nova POS

As we considered in this article, mobile POS systems have great benefits to offer to your business, and there is a variety of hardware to choose from, but the real effectiveness of your business operations largely depends on the software. The right software is at the heart of keeping all aspects of your business on track, ensuring steady operations, and promoting growth.

Unlock the full potential of retail POS with Nova custom POS software solutions. We craft simple, scalable, and sophisticated POS systems for retail stores, kiosks – and more. We believe in personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs. Ready to optimize your retail experience? Get started with a free trial now, and let’s revolutionize your business together! 

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“To Whom It May Concern,

Let me take a moment,out of my very busy day to review my experience of Sebastian Chaviano.
Sebastian is a dream customer service/technical support person. He’s extremely professional and nano-second responsive in every interaction. We’ve even worked on a chronic issue where I learned that his perseverance and patience are also outstanding. Over my 33 years of working in Silicon Valley, I’ve rarely met someone as easy with which to work as Sebastian.

That said, over the past 3 months of getting to know Nova POS, for the first time, I’ve also worked with Frank, Jeffrey, Jose, & Tomer – all provide the immediate service and answers I’ve required. You have a great team at Nova POS. Keep up the good work.”


My name is Mert Firat, and I am the proud owner of multiple flourishing retail chains in a rapidly expanding big city. Since 2008, Nova has been a cornerstone of our ability to operate in a such a fast-paced urban environment. The top-notch customer support team at Nova has consistently exceeded my expectations, ensuring any and all concerns are promptly addressed. The live-support feature has been a lifesaver on several occasions, with expert assistance just a click away. The user-interface of the software is incredibly easy to learn, operate, and teach new employees. This hassle-free experience is imperative for the entire company,  from the CEO to every newly hired employee. What has truly set our experience apart are our account manager and technical support manager, who have been a game-changer in streamlining the process and finding creative solutions. We could not be happier with Nova, and would not be here today without the outstanding experience we’ve continuously been having for the past 16 years.

Kind Regards,